I'm pretty obsessive about ways that I can streamline my life so that I'm focused, productive and stay on track as easily as possible.
Here is a list of some of the tools/things that I use to do this:
Deep work mode - this is a little script that I created that closes all my chat and distracting programs at the click of a button (Skype, Slack, Whatsapp, Line, Chrome). Rather than finding each program and closing it manually, leave this script on your desktop and execute it when you want to get busy, distraction free.
Focus@Will - I've been experimenting with this service to see if it can help with my focus and concentration when in spaces that have a lot of background noise. Still in the early days, but so far the results seem pretty good.
Thrive Themes - If you're building web sites on WordPress then look no further. Everything you see on this web site is built using these tools. Disclaimer: being the co-founder and having spent the best part of a decade dedicated to this company, I'm biased.